Cooking from food blogs



Deccani Baingan ( Recipe click here)

The number of Indian cooking blogs keeps increasing. It seems like everyday there is a new blogger out there churning out new recipes. And most often than not, I find that the recipe and the dish is entirely new to me. The difference in cuisines of Indian can be mind boggling, and all the Americans mostly know are the ‘curry’ and naan. A few, who venture beyond the regular eat some south indian fare like dosas and idlis. Cannot blame them as that is all the restaurants serve. I find myself often explaining to others that there is no typical Indian ‘curry’, and no we dont cook naan everyday for dinner. And I am glad that these blogs shed more light on the cuisines of India.

The other change that Indian blogs have caused in my life is that I visit my Indian grocer more often. The one ingredient that is hard to obtain from the regular grocery shop is the baby eggplants.The mini sized purple cuties never make it to the American grocery aisle. This recipe has been bothering me by it sheer beauty, and its rich and genuine look. Yesterday,right after work I rushed to the grocery store only to find that the shop had closed. So I got there early today and procured some eggplants, and proceeded to make these. They turned out wonderful.The advantage of trying recipes from other blogs is that it is a tried and tested recipe, and hard to go wrong. Thank you deccanheffalump!

The recipe was followed exactly. The coconut in the paste gave it a taste similar to the ‘theeyal’ of Kerala. We both liked it, and is sure to be a regular.


Deccani baingan with Chole and Parantha.

14 responses »

  1. wow ! the deccani brinjals looks AWESOME!!!. BTW last week i had been to a bakery and saw choclate flan, reminded me of ur flan. And there was no difference from the looks and texture except for the color. I have never tasted flan b4, for the looks i feel it will taste too eggy? is it true?
    ANd Gini the picture are to big for the layout, they get cut. i think u can go and change the image size setting. And i love ur new layout : )

    Priya, thanks! The vanilla essence in the flan will remove any 'egginess' and it tastes absolutely wonderful!

  2. It DOES look good doesnt it! Thanks for trying it out Giniann.

    Anytime deccanheffalump… Thy turned out absolutely wonderful . The aroma when frying the spices is so heavenly. Thanks for the recipe again. It was a super hit!

  3. KK and Annita…My list is growing long too. It is so hard to decide which one to try next.

    Thanks Kay and BDSN, These were quite easy to make and I am sure you guys will like it.

    Hi Gustad..Eggplants weren’t a big part of our food when growing up. Good for you your mom makes wonderful stuffed eggplants.

    Yes, Santhi..the name had a part in attracting me to the dish.

  4. Hi…stumbled on this post pretty late. Do you know any food bloggers who blog about Bengali food? I can find mainly Tamil, Andhra and Maharashtrian food blogs!

  5. Pingback: Snake gourd-$ 65, winning an auction -priceless « Salt and Pepper.

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